
Webpage Launch for American Heart Month – February

February is American Heart Month and Wake Up Narcolepsy (WUN) is raising awareness by launching the new webpage, Narcolepsy & Heart Health! 

In November of 2023, WUN announced a partnership with American Heart Association (AHA) for their Cardiovascular Health & Sleep Initiative! 

The new webpage has highlights of the amazing resources made available by the AHA, including the recent scientific statement, “Impact of Sleep Disorders and Disturbed Sleep on Brain Health,” fact sheets and discussion guides. 

Sleep and cardiovascular health go hand in hand and educating oneself shouldn’t be a challenge. Resources should be readily available.

Tomorrow, February 2nd, is Wear Red Day to raise awareness that heart disease is the number one killer of women. Make sure to wear red and spread the word! 

Thank you again to the American Heart Association for the opportunity to spread awareness through the sleep community and for your incredible resources!

Learn more at www.heart.org/health-topics/sleep-disorders/

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