
In November of 2023, Wake Up Narcolepsy (WUN) announced our partnership with American Heart Association (AHA) for their Cardiovascular Health & Sleep Initiative! Below is more information about all the insightful resources made available by the AHA regarding sleep, sleep disorders & heart health.

For Professionals – Getting to the Heart of Sleep Health

The American Heart Association’s page for professionals features vodcasts, podcasts, digital learning and more!

Impact of Sleep Disorders and Disturbed Sleep on Brain Health

The American Heart Association published a scientific statement in the journal Stroke. This scientific statement presents evidence supporting an association between sleep disorders and disturbances and poor brain health including stroke, dementia, and other cognitive impairments, as well as a look at potential opportunities for prevention and early treatment.

Sleep Disorders & Cardiovascular Health Fact Sheet

Specific resources for newly diagnosed and loved ones.

Patient/Doctor Discussion Guide

Use this AHA guide to help you prepare for appointments discussing sleep & cardiovascular disease.

Life’s Essential 8

In 2022, sleep was added to the previous seven modifiable components considered by the AHA to be key to ideal cardiovascular health. The result was ‘Life’s Essential 8.’

Thank you to the American Heart Association for the opportunity to spread awareness through the sleep community and for your incredible resources!