Aug 19 2019
Dr. Emmanuel Mignot Joined Claire Crisp for an Interview on Narcolepsy 360
h in News
This week on Narcolepsy 360 Podcast, we are excited to have Dr. Emmanuel Mignot! Dr. Mignot is Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University and Director of the Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine. He is internationally recognized for discovering the cause of narcolepsy.
Dr. Mignot has received numerous research grants and honors, including National Sleep Foundation and National Institute of Health Research Awards, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and McKnight Neuroscience awards, the Drs. C. and F. Demuth 11th Award for Young Investigators in the Neurosciences, the WC Dement Academic Achievement Award in sleep disorders medicine, the CINP and ACNP awards in neuropharmacology and the Jacobaeus prize.
In this episode, Dr. Mignot and Claire Crisp discuss what led him to research narcolepsy. He details the important research breakthroughs that have occurred the past couple of decades and also shares what his current focus is in research around narcolepsy.
Claire and Dr. Mignot talk about a few causes of narcolepsy and why he enjoys being a clinician, treating people and children with narcolepsy.
We are so grateful for the research and work Dr. Mignot is doing and how understanding narcolepsy as autoimmune disease can continue to open new doors for research, develop more effective medicine, and better the lives of people with narcolepsy.
You can learn more about Dr. Emannuel Mignot’s work and follow Stanford Sleep Medicine at @stanfordsleepmedicine on Instagram and Stanford Sleep Medicine on Facebook.
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