
Are you interested in sharing your experiences as a caregiver of someone with Narcolepsy?

Are you interested in sharing your experiences as a caregiver of someone with Narcolepsy?

A study is being conducted to better understand the experiences and quality of life of caregivers who take care of someone with Narcolepsy.


If you are 18 years or older and the individual you care for is less than 18 years old with diagnosed Narcolepsy and is currently taking/has taken Xyrem®, you may be eligible to participate in a short online research study about your experiences.

This research will give you the opportunity to describe your experiences taking care of someone with Narcolepsy and the impact it has on many aspects of your day-to-day life. This information may be helpful to many people living with Narcolepsy as well as their families and caregivers.


As a participant in this study you can help to:

  1. Identify how Narcolepsy affects different aspects of your life, or the life of the person you care for
  2. Document your/their experiences related to symptoms, mental and physical health, etc.
  3. Describe your experiences with different Narcolepsy treatments as a caregiver


If selected, you will take a 30-minute online survey at a time that is convenient for you and will receive $40 in compensation for completing the survey.

Qualified participants will receive compensation for their time.

Visit: survey-d.dynata.com/survey/selfserve/53b/2008552?list=6 or email narcolepsymr@surveynetwork.com for more information and instructions on how to get started

Participants will complete a short online questionnaire.  All information provided will be confidential.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. We look forward to hearing from you.

This study has been reviewed by Advarra’s Institutional Review Board (IRB).