Jun 08 2019
The Mystery of Narcolepsy
Posted at Jun 08 2019
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h in Blogs
Published on April 3, 2013, by Meir H. Kryger, M.D. in Sleep and Be Well Blog. Meir H. Kryger, M.D., is a physician and professor at the Yale School of Medicine
For some, dreams can come at inopportune times, sometimes with dire consequences
Most of us dream two to five times each night. Our dreams can be thrilling and beautiful, frightening, or unmemorable. For some, dreams come at inopportune times of day and may be misinterpreted as hallucinations, with dire consequences to the individual.
Dr. Kryger looks at the dreams and other symptoms that arise from narcolepsy — a difficult and dangerous sleep disorder that can elude diagnosis. He introduces three patients whose stories, he says, stopped him in his tracks — sometimes to intervene medically, sometimes to ponder how little we actually know about the science of sleep.
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