
For Sleep Week 2019 #BeYou

For Sleep Week 2019 we will be raising awareness about narcolepsy, but also we want to celebrate YOU!

Brene Brown, a research professor and author says, “Be You. Be Seen. Belong.” Inspired by her words we would like you to tell us what it means to #beyou. Swipe through to find out how to do so!

To share what it means to “Be You,” please do the following:

1. Choose a photo of yourself (please make sure we can see your face!).

2. List words, hobbies or phrases that describe what makes you…YOU! Don’t be shy tell us all about you! See examples below:

Book worm, Cat lover, Loyal friend, Artistic, 7th Grader, Creative, Ravenclaw, Humorous, Daughter, Sister, Harry Potter fan

3. Send the photo, with your name and the words to beyou@wakeupnarcolepsy.org, also any social media handles and information you would like us to share. We will take the image and words and make it look “Be You” fancy!

4. Then on Sleep Week 2019, we will be posting our “Be You” participants all over social media and hope, in turn, it will inspire other PWN to participate.

Please note the image sharing format was inspired by the Instagram Account @i_weigh. We by no means want to co-opt their movement, but want to celebrate it with our own twist.