Jun 08 2019
WakeUpNarcolepsy.org Blog Earns Honors
Posted at Jun 08 2019
h in Blogs
h in Blogs
The editors of HealthLine.com recently recognized the Wake Up Narcolepsy Blog as one of the 11 Best Sleep Disorder Blogs of 2012! HealthLine.com offers readers objective, trustworthy, and accurate health information, guided by the principles of responsible journalism and publishing.
In announcing its blog choices, HealthLine.com said, “It’s not easy trying to manage a sleep disorder, especially in a society that touts hyper-productivity, caffeine, and energy drinks like the world’s saving grace. If you or a loved one suffers from a sleep disorder, be grateful for the hard work of these tireless bloggers and sleep experts.
“These top writers have been working around the clock to keep you sleeping well, informed about sleep health, and in-the-know about the latest in sleep medicine and research. Rest assured that these bloggers will keep up the great work, one night at a time.”
Of the Wake Up Narcolepsy blog, the editors said, “Wake Up Narcolepsy truly is ‘shining light on narcolepsy’ for all of its readers and members. A non-profit organization dedicated to narcolepsy advocacy and awareness, Wake Up Narcolepsy treats its readers to a variety of up-to-date narcolepsy news, top-notch medical opinions, and an active sleep disorder community.
“When they’re not busy running marathons and sponsoring conferences for narcolepsy awareness, they are busy encouraging the world of research to find a cure for the disorder. It seems like they’re awake to the possibilities of an active blog!”