
Wake Up Narcolepsy Awards Dr. Mignot $35,000


We are proud to have been able to grant Dr. Mignot at Stanford $35,000 for his ongoing research into narcolepsy. This week our board had the pleasure of personally handing over funds that have been donated to WUN through our many fundraising efforts over the past year. Here’s what Dr. Mignot said about the grant.

“I am really touched by all the efforts you are doing to help narcolepsy research and my lab. My lab would also not have survived in the last 2 years without the help of WUN. I am also sure that in the next few years we will succeed in getting a blood test for narcolepsy diagnosis and that many new treatments will become available, maybe even these long-awaited hypocretin agonists.” —Dr. Mignot

And Wake Up Narcolepsy would in turn like to thank all our supporters who have so generously given of their time and efforts to make such a significant contribution to narcolepsy research possible. The donations we have received for narcolepsy research is making a direct impact and positive contributions to advancements in the field.