
Unrestricted WUN Grants Lead to Unexpected Breakthroughs in Narcolepsy Research

When a post-doc in Dr. Thomas Scammell’s lab said he’d found that narcolepsy patients have many more histamine neurons than healthy controls, Scammell initially thought the post-doc must have made a mistake. Another person in Scammell’s lab at Boston’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center was assigned to repeat the cell count. The second count confirmed the first, and, since then, another lab has found that sufferers of the sleep disorder indeed do exhibit a huge increase in histamine neurons.

“We found something completely surprising and unpredictable,” Scammell says. These results could have a large impact on how future research studies look at the brain circuitry in patients with narcolepsy.

Much of the funding for this and several other research projects in Scammell’s lab comes from unrestricted grants from Wake Up Narcolepsy.

See more at http://www.sleepreviewmag.com/2014/12/unrestricted-grants-unexpected-breakthroughs-narcolepsy-research-scammell/


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