Jun 09 2019
Narcolepsy: Understanding, Living with, and Treating the Disorder
h in Blogs
A production of Harvard University Medical School Division of Sleep Medicine
Sleep and Health Education Program
Narcolepsy is the fourth in a projected series of websites produced by the Harvard Medical School Division of Sleep Medicine (DSM). The project seeks to translate medical and scientific research on sleep in accessible and useful ways for a general audience. The DSM is doing this in the hopes that clear, accurate information will help individuals improve their sleep, a vital component of human health.
This module provides information on narcolepsy for people with narcolepsy, their family, friends, colleagues, and teachers. Although it is intended for a lay audience, nonspecialist medical professionals may find it useful. You’ll find information on the symptoms of narcolepsy, the causes of and science underlying the disorder, tips for living with the condition, and ways narcolepsy is diagnosed and treated.
Wake Up Narcolepsy participated in the production of the module.
View the module at healthysleep.med.harvard.edu/narcolepsy.